The world of advertising is a crowded one to say the least, it is also a difficult one to navigate. With so many advertising options available to a business it really is a complicated task deciding which is best for you! Here are the main factors you need to consider before choosing your advertising channels.
Cost – this is of course the first consideration any business looks at when investing in anything. Advertising is no exception to this. Any moving company from across the industry needs, now more than ever, to watch the pennies and make sure that any expense they make is going to have a return. There is no point throwing away money into an advertising campaign that has few results.
Audience – This too is a crucial factor that you need to consider when choosing an advertising channel. There is no point is spending big on an advert in a magazine or on a billboard if that advert doesn’t get seen by your target audience. It is a waste! You want maximum exposure to your target audience!
This is where we come in! With Global Exclusive Movers’ Network (GEM) membership you get free advertising throughout your membership period and the reading audience is the target audience that you are after!
We don’t only provide you with a fantastic advertising platform, but we also provide a special quarter page advert design service at no extra cost! Yes, that’s right, it is included in your membership fee!
As an international moving company, it can be difficult to stand back from your daily business and put together an advertising strategy. In the moving industry advertising campaigns and strategies can often get neglected and this is a shame as, like we have said throughout this magazine, advertising is so important! Luckily, by being a member of Global Exclusive Movers’ Network (GEM) we can help you with advertising.
This is why we provide our free quarter page advert design service for all new members. This saves you both time and money! As all members get a free advert each month in The GEM Movers’ Magazine our free advert design service helps you get a professionally designed advert ready for the magazine if you do not already have one at hand. Our designer studies your website and identifies your brand colours, services and style. The designer then puts an advert together for you for your final approval. This is a huge help for our members and saves them a lot of time and money. Finding the right designer and working with them can be a difficult and time-consuming task for a moving company and takes time away from their everyday business operations. That’s why our service is so helpful! Our designer is highly skilled and knowledgeable about industry terminology and trends and will produce an outstanding advert for you at no extra cost!
The advert that we design for you will compliment your company’s brand and by this advert being placed in The GEM Movers’ Magazine each month throughout your membership period it helps in maintaining your brand and advances your brand awareness in the industry and beyond! By consistent and maintained advertising in The GEM Movers’ Magazine you will get noticed! That’s a fact!
Cost effective – Your target audience – Brand awareness by becoming a GEM Member you get it all and more!